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- Mailing Address:
- Hamburg University of Technology
Institute of Applied Polymer Physics
Chair: Prof. Dr. Franziska Lissel
Kasernenstr. 12
21073 Hamburg
- Hamburg University of Technology
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Prof. Dr. Franziska Lissel is lecturing on Advanced Materials in Organic Electronics at the Technical University Dresden, and involved in the courses Advanced Functional Polymers (Funktionspolymere II) and Syntheses of Polymers (Synthese von Polymeren). From 2020 to 2021, she was Acting Professor at the Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry of the FSU Jena and substituted Prof. Dr. Kalina Peneva (Professorship of Functional Dyes, Markers and Molecular Sensors). In this context, she lectured on Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry for students in the B.Sc. and M.Sc. Chemistry as well as students of the programs Biology, Biochemistry, Chemical Biology and Nutritional Science.
As TU Young Investigator of the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry of the TU Dresden, Prof. Dr. Franziska Lissel is recognized by as reviewer and committee member in doctoral exam procedures. Each semester, sever internships, B.Sc. and M.Sc. theses are carried out in the FEM group and supervised by Prof. Lissel, from students of chemistry, material sciences, and organic molecular electronics.
The FEM group holds weekly group seminars to discuss progress, problems and solutions over tea and cookies.
The FEM group and Prof. Dr. Franziska Lissel are involved in several outreach activities. We regularly host high school pupils and mentor pupils and students. Every year, we participate in the Long Night of Science and award the winners and losers of our NanoCar Race game with chocolate. Prof. Dr. Franziska Lissel is speaker of the Female Research Equality (FREQ) network of the Fonds of the Chemical Industries (FCI) and organizes the bi-yearly Doktorandinnenseminar, a two-day workshop for female Ph.D. scholars.